Too Dry for Tears

Nov 23, 2020
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There may be times where your eyes feel drier than the Sahara desert, causing you to rub it incessantly while hoping it'll go away. Instead, it becomes sore, gritty, and a light shade of red begins to coat your eyes' surface. 

Dry eyes are, in a nutshell, a result of tear glands not producing enough tears or evaporating too quickly. While it can be temporary or long-lasting, dry eyes can bring great discomfort and if not treated promptly, complications such as double vision and infection. Thus, what kind of situations may increase the chances of having dry eyes?

  • Age. Tear glands in those aged 50 and above will experience a sharp decline in tear production, making their eyes more vulnerable to dryness.
  • Medication. You may not realize it, but certain medications can prevent tear glands from producing the amount of tears required to keep your eyes moisturised. Examples of such medications include antihistamines, antidepressants, beta-blockers, and diuretics. 
  • Computer usage. In this day and age, it's impossible to not live/work without this device. However, the blue light emitting from computers can cause your eyes to become tired and dry. 
  • Lack of Vitamin A. Carrots and broccoli may not be your favorite vegetables, but not consuming a sufficient amount of it may be one of the reasons for dry eye as they contain vitamin A, vital for promoting healthy eyesight.
  • Sjogren's syndrome. An autoimmune diseases which causes white blood cells to attack tear and salivary glands, resulting in reduced tear production. 

If you identify with some of the factors listed above, here are some practical ways to ease the effects of dry eyes:

1. Avoid letting air being blown into your eyes. It may seem harmless to stand in front of a fan or air-conditioner, but doing so will cause the moisture in your eyes to be depleted.

2. Take regular eye breaks. While you may be rushing to hand up a project on time, it's still important to let your eyes rest in between so that it doesn't get strained and damaged. If that's not possible, blink your eyes as often as you can so that tears are spread evenly. 

3. Ensure your computer screen is below eye level. Looking at your computer above eye level will force you to widen your eyes more, making it easier for them to become dehydrated. 

4. Don't smoke. If you're a smoker, it's highly recommended that you gradually put a stop to it, not just for obvious health reasons, but also to prevent dry eyes. For non-smokers, avoid places with high levels of smoke. 

5. Use artificial tears often. Doctors will usually prescribe eye drops/artificial tears to provide relief for dry eyes. Make sure to use it regularly and in accordance with your doctor's instructions. If it's expired, throw it out and buy a new bottle.   

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